Hermel Pyramid
The Pyramid of Hermel or Hermel Pyramid (also known as God’s Pyramid, House of El, the Funnel of Hermel or Needle of Hermel) is an ancient pyr... Read More...
The monastery, carved out of rock near the source of the Orontes (Assi) River, has been in decline for many years, as natural forces and shepherds seeking shelt... Read More...
One of the most do sport in Lebanon is Rafting in Al Assi River. Unlike other rivers, Al-Assi offers enough water depth all year round. The ride is 7 km long;... Read More...
One of the most amazing roads in Lebanon , is the mountainous road between Hermel and Dennieh. This road is on of my favorite road in Lebanon, its a shortcut th... Read More...
the Pyramid of Hermel or Hermel Pyramid (also known as God's Pyramid, House of El, the Funnel of Hermel or Needle of Hermel) is an ancient pyramid loc... Read More...