Rashaya al-Wadi or Rachaya el-Wadi is an attractive little town seated on the western slopes of Mount Hermon. It lies in the South Beqaa 85 kilometres from... Read More...
Tree of wishes or commonly known as Im al Charateet is an old 500 years oak tree located on the side of Rashaya Al Wadi old road. Residents of the area co... Read More...
A Tentative List is an inventory of those properties which each State Party intends to consider for nomination.
States Parties are encouraged to submit th...
Hasbaya, the capital of the Wadi Taym, is an attractive town full of history. A good deal of this history transpired at the huge citadel that is today Hasbaya... Read More...
Rashaya, also known as Rashaya al-Wadi is a town in Lebanon, situated in the Rashaya District and south of the Beqaa Governorate. It is situated at around 1,35... Read More...
Matte, is a traditional South American caffeine-rich infused drink, particularly in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil , and to a lesser degree in souther... Read More...