Lazzab, the Arabic name for juniper, is an evergreen coniferous tree of the cypress family Cupressaceae. The most common juniper species in Lebanon are the Juniperus excelsa (Greek Juniper) and the Juniperus foetidissima (Fetid Juniper).

The juniper is one of the most important forest species in Lebanon. It is a very sturdy tree that can withstand extreme weather conditions. Juniper trees are widespread on the eastern and western slopes of northern Mount Lebanon and, to a lesser extent, on the western slopes of the Anti-Lebanon Range, at altitudes above 1,400m. The juniper is also common in the mountain region of Dannieh.

Characteristics of a Juniperus;

  • Reaches up to 20m in height.
  • Lives up to a thousand years if protected.
  • Grows at altitudes between 1,400 and 2,800 m.
  • Junipers propagate very slowly and with difficulty. Juniper seeds will only germinate if they pass through the digestive system of certain birds – the seeds are scarified in the digestive system of birds and released with a fertile mixture.
  • Junipers secrete resin from their trunks and branches. The resin has medicinal properties and can be used, for example, in expanding cardiac arteries. it can also be used in the treatment of some livestock diseases. Bees feed on the glue to produce excellent honey.

El Lezzeb tree takes up to 500 years to gain its mature shape. It reproduces naturally through some rodents and el lezzeb seed which Al Kaykhan bird gets rids of its as body waste.

Mamlaket el Lezzeb or the Kingkom of Juniperus is natural reserve in the mountains of Rabiaa/Barqa. You can visit the reserve, stay in a guesthouse and enjoy a hike among the oldest trees of the world.

How to get there: 

– Via Bcharreh/Oyoun Orghoch/ Rabiaa (closed road during winter time)

– Via Deir el Ahmar/Bechwat/Barqa/Rabiaa

Nearby restaurants:

Oyoun Orghoch restaurants.

Rabiaa lodging/Guesthouse and hiking:

Phone nbr: 71 277891
