Built during the medieval period, a crusader church, dating back to 1262 AD. Its style is Roman, rustic, and military with very large walls, big pillars and narrow windows for the archers. The church is distinguished by its frescoes, renovated in 2014 by the association for the restoration and study of the medieval frescoes in Lebanon (AREFML), under the supervision of the General Direction of the Antiquities in Lebanon (DGA) with artists coming from Russia.

On the North wall is the Dormition of the Virgin Mary and Syriac inscriptions. On the South wall is a Virgin Mary in her majesty and Jesus Christ. We can also recognize St. George and admire a beautiful crucifix. These frescoes seem to be the result of collaboration between local and occidental masters of the Byzantine style.

The church contains the relics of Saint Sabbas, whose feast is celebrated on 25 August. Contact the mayor Gaby Elias Hanna for the key: (03/657 358 – 06/721 211) or Mr. Michel Wakim (71/663 975).

How to get there:  Al Madfoun-Thoum-Rachana-SmarJbeil-Eddeh- Or Batroun-Al Dawra-Edde