Tripoli's only functioning hammam is Hammam el-Abed, and it is the least elegant. Probably built at the end of the 17th century.
It has the typical pierced dome...
The Hammam al-Nouri built around 1333 by the Mamluk governor Nur El-Din, in the vicinity of the Grand Mosque, is still in good condition and in use al... Read More...
"Cleanliness is next to godliness" appears to have been an adage dear to the heart of Emir Izzedin Aibek (1293 -1298). For barely four years after the city of T... Read More...
Of many known hammams, including the twelve hammams listed by al-Nabulsi in 1700, only five, three Mamluk and two Ottoman, have survived in Tripoli. The first b... Read More...