This rectangular Temple (34×14 meters) is  directed from East to West. An outer hallway of Corinthian columns, adorned by two angels, then a flight of steps leads to the columned hall, and then to the sanctum sanctorum. The ceiling of the last two areas are supposed to be covered by wood, maybe. It has two doors in the Northern wall. A part of its wall has been engraved in the rocks.

Faqra temple

Faqra temple

The design of this Temple follows an old Semitic architecture known in Lebanese ruins and in other regions in the East. A number of recently published Greek inscriptions were found in the Temple, but they did not indicate the date of its construction. The architectural comparison between the Temple and the rest of the Faqra buildings makes us speculate many different eras for its construction.

Faqra temple

Faqra temple

The published Greek inscriptions stated the Temple god as being Baal or, Bal or Galassos. That makes us believe that there is an Iturean Aramaic influence on the site, as it is clearly slown in Atargatis Temple or in the historical context of the construction of the Tower.

The name Galassos reflects a local god, who in fast is the Phoenician Baal widely worshipped in the mountain areas, according to an old tradition. That makes us speculate that there is a religious center in Faqra, according to the Phoenician Canaanite tradition, before the construction of this Temple, in the era influenced by the Greeks and Romans in the East.

Faqra temple

Faqra temple